The installation piece is envisioned to use motors created by the students to illustrate (1) the ways in which motors are used and surround us in our lives and (2) create a sense of scale, motion and fluidity.
1. Overall Construction/Support Base
Designed to be moved from location to location for one
Requires only (2) 110V outlets at install location
Surge protector power strip built into base
Base/box with locking wheels - conceals uplighting,
power strips, fans, etc.
2. Base Globe
Plaster “globe” shell approx 20-24” diameter
Paper mache painted exterior earth motif; black inside
Interior uplighting to cyclone
8-12” hole in top for upper cyclone armature
(2) 6” diameter holes approx 8” above base for [4]
windsock armatures
3. Cyclone
Chicken wire or equivalent; approx 4-5’ tall (above globe)
Structurally stable enough to mount small motors with
use schematics (fridge, toothbrush, etc.)
Interior gauze “sock” - color TBD; gentle movement by
fan in base
Doll at base of cyclone with dress loosely connected to
windsocks in [4]
4. Armature/Windsocks
5-7 motors equipment with light gauze miniature
windsocks and fans powered by motors to create sense
of movement/motion.
May have to “retrofit” motor fans to work continuously
with 110V power.
Loosely attach base of each windsock to the doll’s dress
to create sense of connection between us (the doll) and
motors around us.